Xhiro me Varke ne Sarande Vlore - Boat Trip Sarande Vlore

Vende Me Vlera Turistike ne Sarande Post Id: 755596

extra info
Pagesa 20 Euro
Qyteti - Zona Sarande - Ksamil
Adresa Sarande
Data: 28/08/2024
Ora: 18:16
Lexime: 51

www.boatripalbania.com eshte kompania me e madhe shqiptare qe ofron udhetime turistike me anije, skafe dhe gomone.
Ajo operon floten me te madhe te mjeteve detare ne Shqiperi.
Shijoni magjine e ujrave te kaltra te rivieres shqiptare me anijet, gomonet dhe skafet e Boat Trip Albania.

- Udhetim me anije ne Sazan
- Udhetim me anije ne Karaburun
- Udhetim me anije ne Sarande
- Udhetim me gomone ne Vlore
- Udhetim me gomone ne Himare
- Udhetim me skaf ne Sarande
- Gomone me qera pa drejtues

Pagesa te sigurta, politika rimbursimi, sherbim online 24/7, komoditet, korrektesi dhe profesionalizem.

Ju presim!

www.boatripalbania.com is the largest Albanian company that offers tourist trips by boat, speedboat and raft.
It operates the largest fleet of marine vessels in Albania.
Enjoy the magic of the blue waters f the Albanian Riviera with the boats, dinghies and speedboats of Boat Trip Albania.
- Boat trip to Sazan
- Boat trip to Karaburun
- Boat trip to Sarande
- Rafting trip in Vlore
- Rafting trip in Himare
- Boat trip to Sarande
- Rent a dinghy without a driver
Secure payments, refund policy, 24/7 online service, convenience, accuracy and professionalism.
We are waiting for you!