Oferta Vende Pune ne Durres, Profesioni Menaxher Operacional, Pagesa 150 Euro.

Oferta Vende Pune ne Durres Post Id: 776737
extra info
Pagesa 150 Euro
Profesioni Menaxher Operacional
Niveli i arsimit Bachelor
Mosha e Preferuar E Pa Percaktuar
Qyteti - Zona Durres - Qender
Adresa Rruga Pavaresia Durres,Shqiperia
Data: 08/08/2024
Ora: 08:17
Lexime: 49
File list: Adriatik-Hotel-and-Bestwestern-2022-logo-ok.png,

• Fully responsible for all aspects of all departments.
• Support and work with all Head of Departments in all aspects of running this hotel.
• Ensure the premises are in operative condition as per category of the unit to receive & serve the guests.
• Conduct regular operations team meeting with all the HOD daily / weekly to discuss routine operational matters, sales targets, GSTS feedback / RSTS feedbacks and action taken for service recovery, and also any staff issues. Minutes of the meeting to be sent to GM.
• Ensure SOP implementation in all departments and check the same during routine operational checks. Consultant /GRM guidance to be taken wherever required.
• Monitor the purchase / indent / requestions of each department, the accounts receivable (collection from debtors) and the accounts payable (payable to the vendors / suppliers etc).
• Randomly inspecting the stores (F & B / Kitchen) to check the stock in hand (quality, par stock levels, expiry etc) with the F & B Manager & Chef.
• Dealing with Suppliers / Vendors for quality products involving Purchase Manager and providing performance assessment of vendors every quarter to HO Purchase.
• Inspecting all departments for SOP implementation.
• Inspecting all department with their respective Manager's for cleanliness, ambience, service readiness, staff grooming & hospitality culture.
• Monitor the co-ordination between all departments for smooth & efficient operations.
• Assessing and reviewing customer satisfaction and service recovery process.
• Meet all dept. heads to review & train the staff to upkeep the human capital.

Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 18/09/2024 08:17